#Malaysia: Local Paedophile Group On Telegram Exposed By Activist

A Malaysian-based Telegram group frequented by local paedophiles was exposed by activist Syed Azmi Alhabshi on Facebook.

Screenshots of the chat group, which included a photo of a prepubescent girl and disturbing conversations about her, were posted along with a message warning Malaysians about the illegal activity. Azmi also cautioned parents against posting full body photos of their children so that it wouldn’t be twisted by certain parties who have “ugly thoughts”.

He explained that the screenshot was sent to him by a tipper, who already made a police report regarding the explicit activities. Majority of the public supported his decision, with most of them demanding him to release the information and names of those involved.

However, not everyone was supportive of Azmi’s decision to publicise this issue.

In a statement to The Malay Mail Online, he said:

Some people have been calling and messaging me to criticise me for sharing about such things claiming it’s not a big issue here, but it is! Just look at the type of comments they posted about the child!

He added that he wanted people to know and understand the dangers of sharing photos of their children on the interwebs as anyone could fall prey to paedophiles. Once the photos start circulating in the public circuit, it is very hard for anyone to take down or stop the distribution of the photos.

richard huckle NCA:PA Wire

This news came as a shock to many Malaysians as they are still reeling from the case of Richard Huckle, dubbed as the worst paedophile in British history. Huckle, 30, who was a Sunday school teacher, is believed to have sexually abused up to 200 children since he began his criminal activities when he was 19.

Sources: The Malay Mail Online, Syed Azmi via Facebook.


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